Feb 12, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog and Handbook 
2024-2025 Catalog and Handbook

Student Life

Student Activities

Student activities are designed to provide a variety of meaningful extracurricular educational, cultural, and social experiences. Activities include intramurals, student government, publications, clubs, and special interest groups as approved by the Dean of Student Services or designee. Official recognition is given only to scholastic, civic, athletic, professional clubs and organizations which have been approved. If a sufficient number of students desire a particular activity, they should petition the Student Government Association for official recognition.

Appropriate forms must be completed in the Office of Student Services for all on and off campus student activities.

Student Activities Fund

A student activities fund has been established to support student activities. This fund includes a portion of the profits from the Bookstore, vending machine operations, and student fees. The funds in this account are to be spent only for student activities authorized by the Dean of Student Services or designee. The financial status of all activities must be checked before any funds are obligated. Plans must be made in advance in order to assure the available means to meet all obligations.

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association leads student participation in activities at Mountain Empire Community College. The SGA’s continued growth is contingent upon the students’ active participation and support. Students are encouraged to take part in all student elections and activities.

Through the Student Government Association and membership in various committees, students have an opportunity to contribute to College policy. The president of the SGA serves as the student representative on the College Council, a body of administrators, faculty, staff and students. The College Council provides a forum to ensure:

  • Systematic sharing of information and communication between all segments of the College,
  • Broad-based participation in problem solving, and
  • Open dialogue and discussion of alternative viewpoints to aid the President in decision-making

Student Governance

All students are free, individually and collectively, to express their views on issues of institutional policy and other matters of interest to the student body. Clearly defined means shall be provided for student expression on all institutional policies affecting academic and student affairs.

  • Through the Student Government Association, students will assist in the development of activities, organizations and other matters affecting their welfare.
  • Students will be represented on all standing committees dealing with policy information and implementation. The number of student representatives participating on a particular committee will be determined by the purpose of that committee.

Student Clubs and Organizations

  • Criminal Justice Club
  • Diplomats
  • Engineering Technology Club
  • Environmental Science Club
  • Alliance
  • Healing Hands (LPN)
  • Intramurals
  • LIFE Bible Club
  • MEGA (Mountain Empire Group Artists)
  • MERiTs (Respiratory Therapy)
  • Phi Beta Lamda (Business & Technology)
  • Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) • Rho Nu (Nursing)
  • Student Government Association (SGA)
  • Student Veterans Association
  • Travel Club

Student Organization Policies and Procedures

Chaperons & Sponsors

Each approved organization shall have one or more faculty advisors or sponsors, and each approved student activity shall have one or more faculty chaperons. Student representatives must contact faculty members to serve in these capacities.


  • There will be two official College faculty chaperons at all College functions involving students unless approved otherwise by the Dean of Student Services. These chaperons will receive instructions from the Student Services Office.
  • All functions are approved by the Dean of Student Services. No faculty member is expected to chaperon unauthorized College activities.
  • Students who invite a guest(s) to a College function will be responsible for the conduct of their guest(s).

Responsibilities of Sponsors and Chaperons for Student Activities:

  • The sponsors and chaperons of student clubs or groups are responsible for the conduct and safety of students and participants of each activity or field trip.
  • Each approved organization will have one or more faculty advisors or sponsors. This advisor does not have to be a member of the teaching staff, but must be an employee of the College.
  • Student club advisors/sponsors will attend the mandatory annual fall orientation for club officers and advisors. This activity is designed to inform the participants of new and standing club procedures.
  • Each approved student activity will have two or more faculty chaperons unless approved otherwise by the Dean of Student Services.
  • The sponsors/chaperons will direct the group, club and class participants of field trip activities to complete the “Field Trip Release Form.” These forms must be on file in the office of the Secretary of the Dean of Student Services before leaving campus for the activity. The forms are available in the Office of Student Services and online.
  • Sponsors/chaperons need to file a post-activity report with the Student Services Office. This form is available in the Student Services office.
  • All official College functions must be approved in advance by the Dean of Student Services. • Sponsors/chaperons will advise students who invite a guest(s) to a College function that they will be responsible for the conduct of their guest(s).


Each organization will be free to establish its own membership criteria so long as they do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sex or national origin. Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 must not be violated by the organization’s membership policy. Membership must consist of at least ten (10) members.


Each organization will name a treasurer having responsibility for all collections and expenditures. Procedures for transmittal of funds and purchasing are available from the Office of Student Services. Deposits and expenditures will be made through this office by the organization’s treasurer.


Each organization will have at least one (1) advisor, which must be approved by the Dean of Student Services. That advisor does not have to be a member of the teaching staff, but must be an employee of the College.

Eligibility Any currently enrolled student not on disciplinary probation can participate as a member. Officers must maintain at least a 2.00 GPA.

Procedure for Establishing an Organization

The organization must obtain the following documents from the Office of Student Services:

  • MECC Policy Statement on Student Organizations
  • MECC Handbook (Only available online)
  • Petition for Official Recognition The organization must submit the following to the Dean of Student Services:
  • A constitution or statement of purpose
  • Name of advisor(s)
  • A list of officers and at least ten (10) members
  • Time, date, and location of meetings
  • Completed Petition for Official Recognition

The Dean of Student Services approves for the next level of review or returns the petition to the proposed club president for revision. If approved, the petition is forwarded to the Student Government Association (SGA).

The Student Government Association reviews the petition. If recommended, the petition is submitted to the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Workforce Solutions.

The Vice-President of Academic Affairs and Workforce Solutions reviews the petition for potential approval and submits the petition to the Dean of Student Services.

The Dean of Student Services will notify the proposed organization or club of the disposition of the Petition for Official Recognition. If approval is granted, the organization or club is apprised of the privilege of using College facilities and Mountain Empire Community College in its name.

Any appeal in the process of recognition will be forwarded to the next level of procedure with the President of the College and the local board having the final authority.

No group shall hold meetings on campus property, other than the organizational meeting until the Petition for Official Recognition form requesting College recognition has been filed.

Definition of Organizational Activities All activities which are publicized on the College campus, discussed in organizational meetings, financed from organizational funds, arranged in the name of a student organization or in the name of the College, or use College facilities, services and grounds, are considered organizational activities and are subject to College policies and regulations.

Compliance with College Regulations

Each organization will operate within the guidelines established by the College Handbook and other written regulations. Particular attention should be given to the current statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

Any organization which engages in disruptive and illegal activities, on or off campus, may have sanctions imposed against it, including withdrawal of institutional recognition for a period not to exceed one year.


In the event that further interpretation of any of these procedures is necessary, please see the Dean of Student Services.

Clarifying Statement: Normally club funds are to be used for the benefit of the club membership and the College. However, there may be occasions where it is appropriate for non-club members to participate in club activities. In the event this should occur, the following procedures must be exercised.

Non-member participation in any club activity must have prior approval of the club membership, the club sponsor(s), the Dean of Student Services and the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Workforce Solutions.