Feb 12, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog and Handbook 
2024-2025 Catalog and Handbook

Step 3: Determine Course Placement and Meet with an Advisor Course Placement

In determining new students’ readiness for college-level English and math courses, MECC will use the following means and measures:

  • Any student who has earned an associate degree or higher or who has earned a ‘C’ or better in college-level courses in math and/or English at a regionally accredited institution will be exempt from placement testing provided they meet the pre-requisites for the respective courses in their chosen program of study.
  • Any student who has successfully completed developmental courses at a VCCS institution will be exempt from placement testing in those areas.
  • Any student who has successfully completed developmental courses at a non-VCCS institution will have their coursework evaluated for placement.
  • A student may submit a high school/home school transcript or an approved test score for placement evaluation. Placement will be based on the tables found in and Seniors who have not yet graduated may submit a transcript as of the completion of the first semester of the senior year to determine readiness for placement into college-level courses for the purpose of early admission.
  • Any student who is not placed by the above criteria will need to take the Direct Placement Survey https://desurvey.vccs.edu/login, or take the Virginia Placement Test, or ESL-specific test, as appropriate. Students have the option to take the Virginia Placement Test in order to improve their placement standing after other measures are considered. Such placement test scores will not be used to place a student in a lower English or math course than indicated by other criteria, unless the student desires a lower placement.

*This policy does not apply to current dual enrollment students.

Math Placement
Math placement will be determined using one of the following measures:

Math Placement Measures HSGPA or Score Range Placement Results
HSGPA Less than 2.0 <2.0 MDE 10  
HSGPA 2.0 - 2.99 without HS Algebra II 2.0 to 2.99 MTH 111 
MTH 132 
MTH 133 
MTH 154  + MDE 54 
MTH 155  + MDE 55 
MDE 60  
HSGPA 2.0 - 2.99 with HS Algebra II 2.0 to 2.99 MTH 111 
MTH 132 
MTH 133 
MTH 154  + MDE 54 
MTH 155  + MDE 55 
MTH 161  + MDE 61  
HSGPA 3.0 + with HS Algebra II 2.0 to 2.99 MTH 111 
MTH 132 
MTH 133 
MTH 154 
MTH 155 
MTH 161  
SAT - Math 500 or above MTH 111 
MTH 132 
MTH 133 
MTH 154 
MTH 155 
MTH 161  
SAT - Math 470 - 490 Range MTH 111 
MTH 132 
MTH 133 
MTH 154 
MTH 155 
MTH 161 +MDE 61  
ACT - Subject Area Test Math 18 or above MTH 111 
MTH 132 
MTH 133 
MTH 154 
MTH 155 
MTH 161  
ACT - Subject Area Test Math 17 MTH 111 
MTH 132 
MTH 133 
MTH 154 
MTH 155 
MTH 161 +MDE 61  
GED - Math (2014 or later) 165 or above MTH 111 
MTH 132 
MTH 133 
MTH 154 
MTH 155 
MTH 161 +MDE 61  
GED - Math (2014 or later) 155 - 164 Range MTH 111 
MTH 132 
MTH 133 
MTH 154 +MDE 54 
MTH 155 + MDE 55 
MDE 60  

# = Students may complete the VPT - Calculus for placement into Pre-Calculus II, Calculus, and 200-level Statistics. Placement directly into Pre-Calculus II, Calculus, and 200-level Statistics based on HSGPA and highest level courses taken will be at the discretion of each college.

Measures for English Placement
English placement will be determined using one of the following measures:

English Placement Measures HSGPA or Score Range Placement
HSGPA Less than 2.0 <2.0 EDE 10  
HSGPA 2.0 - 2.99 2.0 - 2.9 range EDE 11 /ENG 111  
HSGPA 3.0 + 3.0 or higher ENG 111  
SAT - ERW (Evidenced Based Reading and Writing) 480 or above ENG 111  
SAT - ERW (Evidenced Based Reading and Writing) 400-470 range EDE 11 /ENG 111  
ACT - Subject Area Tests English and Reading 18 or above ENG 111  
ACT - Subject Area Tests English and Reading 15-17 range EDE 11 /ENG 111  
ACT - Subject Area Tests English and Reading - 14 and below EDE 10  
GED - English (2014 or later) 165 or above ENG 111  

High school GPA (HSGPA) is valid for five (5) years after the date of high school graduation. SAT, ACT and GED Test scores are valid for five (5) years after the date of the test. Virginia Placement Tests-Math and English scores are valid for five (5) years after the date of the test.

Measurement Beginning Date for Summer 2024 Beginning Date for Spring 2025
High School GPA (HSGPA) 5/1/2019 - (Class of 2019) 5/1/2019 - (Class of 2019)
SAT After 5/1/2019 After 12/1/2015
ACT After 5/1/2019 After 12/1/2015
GED After 5/1/2019 After 12/1/2015
VPT After 5/1/2019 After 12/1/2015
Developmental Courses* Completed Summer 2019 or later Completed Fall 2019 or later

Students who completed high school six or more years ago (2018 or earlier) will meet with an advisor to make an Informed Self-Placement decision regarding course enrollment.


Students applying for admission should submit their high school or college transcript information to Enrollment Services Office, located in Fox Central/Holton Hall, prior to registering for courses.  Any Service Member should have their Military Transcript sent to MECC prior to registering for courses.

Meet with an Advisor

When a student declares a program of study at Mountain Empire Community College, he or she will be assigned a faculty advisor to assist in choosing the appropriate classes during the student’s pursuit of a degree or certificate. The faculty advisor will become the student’s main point of contact for academic issues that impact educational progress. Because faculty schedules vary throughout the year, scheduling an appointment to meet with faculty advisors is recommended. However, if a program of study has not been chosen, or if the faculty advisor is not available, academic advising is also available through the Office of Student Services, or other faculty within the student’s area of interest. To schedule an appointment with your advisor, call 276.523.7472.