Feb 06, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog and Handbook 
2024-2025 Catalog and Handbook

Important Information You Need to Know

Admission Categories

Individuals may be admitted to the College as curricular or non-curricular students. Additional information may be required by the College for admission to a specific program or curriculum. If a student in good academic standing has not been enrolled within the last three (3) years, he or she will be required to complete a new application for admission.

Curricular Student

A student shall be classified as a curricular student if the following three conditions are satisfied: 1.) the student holds a high school diploma, a GED or its equivalent, or is otherwise determined qualified for admission; 2.) the required documents for general admission to a curricular program are received by the Enrollment Services Office; and 3.) the student has been admitted to one of the College’s curricula including international students requiring issuance of an I-20. If you have been admitted to the College as a curricular student, you are required to meet with one of the College advisors to discuss educational interests, to determine curricular needs and to plan enrollment in a specific program or curriculum at the College. Additional information may be required by the College for admission to a specific program or curriculum.

Curricular students must submit a completed official application for admission with social security number requested. The online admission application is available at the College’s web site www.mecc.edu/apply. Transcripts from all high schools, colleges and universities attended are requested unless the record is five or more years old, or the applicant has completed 20 semester credits at a regionally accredited college or university, or the high school transcript is determined to be of no value for college and/or curricular admission.

Prior coursework may be evaluated for currency, technology application, or approach to discipline. The respective Dean over the degree in question will be responsible for the evaluation.

Graduates who complete secondary school in a home school setting must provide a graduation date and may be required to provide documentation of coursework.

The VCCS Student Information System academic records will be sufficient for courses transferred from colleges within the Virginia Community College System.

Students will not be allowed to register for some math classes unless a high/home school transcript is on file indicating completion of certain algebra and/or geometry classes.

G.E.D. transcripts may be obtained at https://www.gedtestingservice.com/testers/gedrequest-a-transcript. Official transcripts of all work completed at regionally accredited colleges or universities are required unless waived by the Director. Faxed transcripts will be accepted subject to verification. Applicants to Nursing, Practical Nursing, Paramedic, or Respiratory Therapy programs are required to submit high/ home school, GED, and college transcripts prior to admission consideration.

Transcripts received from other institutions are retained by the College for three years after the student’s last date of enrollment. Before enrolling for courses to meet the requirements of a degree or certificate program, all curricular students must complete the Virginia Placement Test or Direct Enrollment Survey. The placement test consists of English (writing and reading) and mathematics. Some programs do not require all three tests. Consult with your advisor for further information or email advising@mecc.edu. Students who have submitted SAT or ACT scores may be exempt from the English, and/or math placement tests.

Non-Curricular Student

Students who are not formally admitted to a credit-bearing program of study are considered non-curricular students. (International students requiring issuance of an I-20 or students receiving Federal or State aid are not eligible for these categories):

  • Upgrading employment skills for present job
  • Developing skills for new job
  • Career exploration
  • Personal satisfaction and general knowledge
  • Transient student (student who maintains primary enrollment with another postsecondary institution and elects to enroll in the VCCS)
  • High school student dual enrollment or dual credit
  • Auditing a course

Students desiring to attend a course without taking the examination or receiving credit for the course may do so by registering to audit through the registration process and paying the normal tuition. Permission of Enrollment Services/Registrar is required to audit a course. Audited courses carry no credit and do not count as part of the student’s course load. Students desiring to change status in a course from audit to credit or from credit to audit must do so within the add/drop period for the course. Students who desire to earn credit for a previously audited course must re-enroll in the course for credit and pay normal tuition to earn a grade other than “X”. Advanced standing credit should not be awarded for a previously audited course.

Academic Standing

Students are considered to be “in good academic standing” if they maintain a semester minimum GPA of 2.00, are eligible to reenroll at the College, and are not on academic suspension or dismissal status.

President’s List

Students who have at least 12 credits and a GPA of 3.8 or higher during the semester with no I, R, U, or F grades.

Honors List

Students who have at least 12 credits and a GPA of 3.5 to 3.79 during the semester with no I, R, U, or F grades.

Merit List

Students who have at least 12 credits and a GPA of 3.2 to 3.49 during the semester with no I, U, or F grades, and part-time students who have between 6 and 11 credits and a GPA of 3.2 or higher during the semester with no I, U, or F grades.

Satisfactory Progress

Students pursuing any credit programs are cautioned that, although an average GPA between 1.50 and 1.99 may not result in formal academic probation, a minimum of 2.00 in their curriculum is a prerequisite to the receipt of an associate degree, diploma, or certificate.

Academic Warning

Students who fail to attain a minimum GPA of 2.00 for any semester shall be placed on academic warning. Students on academic warning are encouraged to consult with their advisor/ counselor and take advantage of academic support services provided by the College.

Academic Probation

Students who fail to maintain a cumulative GPA of 1.50 shall be on academic probation until such time as their cumulative average is 1.75 or better. The statement “Academic Probation” shall be placed on their permanent records. Students on probation are ineligible for appointive or elective office in student organizations unless special permission is granted by the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Worforce Solutions. Students may be required to carry less than a normal course load the following semester and are required to consult with their advisor. Students shall be placed on probation only after they have attempted twelve (12) semester credit hours.

Academic Suspension

Students on academic probation who fail to attain a semester GPA of 1.50 shall be placed on suspension only after they have attempted 24 semester credits. Academic suspension shall be for one semester. The statement “Academic Suspension” will be placed on the student’s permanent record. Students who have been placed on academic suspension and wish to appeal may submit a Request for Reinstatement of Enrollment form to the Dean of Enrollment Services for reconsideration of his/her case. The Request for Reinstatement of Enrollment form is available at the Enrollment Services office. The appeal must be submitted at least five days prior to the first day of classes for that semester. Suspended students may be reinstated at the conclusion of the suspension period. Suspended students wishing to be reinstated after the suspension period must complete the Request for Reinstatement of Enrollment form available from Enrollment Services. Students who have been reinstated from academic suspension must achieve a 2.00 GPA for the semester of their reinstatement and must earn at least a 1.75 GPA in each subsequent semester of attendance. The statement “Subject to Dismissal” shall be placed on the student’s permanent records. Students who have been reinstated from academic suspension will remain subject to dismissal until their cumulative GPA is raised to a minimum of 1.75. Reinstated students may be required to carry less than a normal course load the following semester and are required to consult with their advisor.

Academic Dismissal

Students who do not attain at least a 2.00 GPA for the semester of reinstatement following academic suspension shall be academically dismissed. Students who achieve a 2.00 GPA for the semester of their reinstatement following academic suspension must earn at least a 1.75 GPA in each subsequent semester of enrollment. Failure to attain a 1.75 GPA in each subsequent semester until the cumulative GPA reaches 1.75 shall result in academic dismissal. “Academic Dismissal” shall be placed on the students’ permanent records. Academic dismissal normally is permanent. In exceptional circumstances students may appeal the academic dismissal. A student wishing to appeal a dismissal from the college must make a written request at least five days prior to the first day of classes for that semester to the Dean of Enrollment Services. The statement “Academic Dismissal” shall be placed on the student’s permanent record. Students who have been reinstated after academic dismissal will remain subject to dismissal until their cumulative GPA is raised to a minimum of 1.75. Reinstated students may be required to carry less than a normal course load the following semester and are required to consult with their advisor.

Admission to Programs/Courses

In addition to the general admission requirements, specific requirements are normally prescribed for each program of the College. The specific requirements are listed in the Programs of Study section of this catalog. A person applying to enter one of the associate degree (Associate of Arts and Sciences or Associate of Applied Science) programs must be a high school graduate or the equivalent, complete an approved developmental studies program or otherwise be considered eligible by the College. Admission to a specific course is possible when students meet the prerequisite requirements for the course as stated in the College’s catalog.

Developmental Studies

The purpose of the Developmental Studies program is to assist students in improving their basic academic skills and to help them enhance their self-confidence in preparation for future academic college courses. The developmental courses are identified with a single-digit prefix (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.). Since the content includes pre-college foundational skills, the courses do not yield college credit. Students are placed into developmental studies courses after an analysis of their scores on placement tests in English, reading, and mathematics, high school transcripts, and other information available concerning their achievement level. Students who are placed in developmental English or mathematics courses may enroll in curriculum courses appropriate to their program of study at the College.

Each developmental studies course has been developed around specific discipline objectives which have been identified as required for entry into regular curriculum courses. Tests and other diagnostic techniques are administered to determine when the student has met the established course objectives. The length of time a student takes to complete the developmental courses depends primarily upon the student’s entering ability and the student’s strength of motivation to succeed. Many students can master these skills during the first 15-week semester; others may need to take a year or more of developmental coursework. In all cases the primary goal of the developmental course is to offer students an opportunity to master the basic academic skills necessary for success in regular college courses.

Waiver of Course Requirements

Students having reason to believe that previous educational studies, training programs, or work experience may entitle them to an adjustment in the required courses in a particular curriculum should contact the Division Dean to determine procedures before registering for classes. Through subsequent interviews and tests, students may qualify  for waiver of curriculum admission requirements, of course prerequisites, and of courses in the curriculum upon the recommendations of the appropriate Division Dean. Students may substitute equivalent or more sophisticated courses in the same field in any approved curriculum with the approval of the instructional division and the Chief Academic Officer or designee provided they can, by previous educational accomplishment or college administered examination, demonstrate the capability for success in the courses requested. In addition, if students can demonstrate that previous educational study, training, work experience, or college administered examination results may entitle them to advancement in the courses required or a particular curriculum, upon request and with the approval of the instruction division and the Chief Academic Officer, they may receive advance placement and credit in the course or curriculum for which advancement was requested.

If requirements are waived, students must successfully complete other courses to compensate for the credit hours.

Credits waived are those normally required course credits for a particular program which are administratively exempted. Credits waived require election of additional credit courses to compensate for the credits waived.

The physical education requirements for the degree and certificate programs may be waived for veterans, and the College may grant up to 3 credits of physical education/health credits for basic military training to satisfy the physical/health credit requirement of the veterans’ curricula. Veteran students may consult Enrollment Services/Veterans Affairs for assistance with this waiver.

Substitution of requirements for students with documented disabilities, covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. Otherwise qualified students with documented disabilities who are, by reason of their disability, unable to complete a requirement of the program pursued by the student, with or without reasonable accommodations, may request an approved course substitution. Substitutions will generally not be granted for any course that is deemed essential to the program of instruction being pursued by such student, or to any directly related licensing requirement. If requirements are waived, students must successfully complete other courses to compensate for the credit hours.

Credit for Prior Learning

Credit for prior learning is the administrative placement of a student that awards credit for subject matter competency based on previous academic study or acquired through nontraditional means. This may include, but is not limited to, college credit and advancement based upon the administration and evaluation of locally-developed examinations; individual college participation in nationally recognized standardization exams; experiential learning; and training provided by non-collegiate institutions, such as armed forces service schools.

  1. College credit is a means of achieving Credit for Prior Learning through an administrative determination by the college that equivalent course coverage has been satisfactorily completed at a regionally accredited postsecondary institution. Credit through this means must be verified through receipt of an official transcript submitted to the Office of Enrollment Services.
  2. Credit by Local Examination is a means of achieving Credit for Prior Learning through satisfactorily demonstrating subject-matter competency by means of an examination developed, and evaluated by College faculty. Examinations must be based on established course learning outcomes and must be comprehensive.
  3. Credit by Standardized Examinations Credit by Standardized Examinations is a means of achieving Credit for Prior Learning through a nationally recognized or college-approved external agency. External examinations used for this purpose include but are not limited to the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), DANTES Subject Standardized Test (DSST), of the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Educational Support (DANTES), Excelsior Credit by Exam (ECE), the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB), Advanced Placement (AP) program, Cambridge Advanced (A/AS) examinations, the International Baccalaureate (IB) program, and the Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT). Upon receipt of official test scores, all Virginia Community colleges shall accept a score of three (3) and higher for Advanced Placement (AP) courses, a score of four (4) or higher for higher level International Baccalaureate (IB) courses, a score of five (5) or higher for standard level International Baccalaureate (IB) courses, a score of fifty (50) or higher on CLEP courses, and scores of C or better for Cambridge Advanced (A/AS) examinations when the equivalent course is offered by the college. The colleges assume no responsibility regarding the acceptance of Advanced Standing credit by other institutions to which the student may transfer.
  4. Credit by Experiential Learning is a means of achieving Credit for Prior Learning through an administrative determination by faculty of the college or by a college-approved learning assessment service that the occupational experience of an individual is at least equivalent to the course(s) to be exempted. Credit by be awarded based upon an individualized portfolio evaluation,  which may be conducted by faculty at the individual colleges or by using the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning’s (CAEL) guidelines, and/or CAEL’s LearningCounts.org prior learning assessment service.
  5. Credit may be granted for prior learning for non-collegiate education, training, and/or occupational experiences as recommended by college faculty, the American Council on Education (ACE), the National College Credit Recommendation Service, or another college-approved organization.
    1. In addition to the above, each college shall develop procedures for the award of academic credit to any enrolled student who has successfully completed a military training course or program as part of the student’s military service that is applicable to the certificate or degrees requirements and is:
      1. Recommended for academic credit by the national higher education association that programs academic credit recommendations for military training courses or programs:
      2. Noted on the student’s military transcript issued by any of the armed forces of the United States; or
      3. Otherwise documented in writing by any of the armed forces of the United States.

The procedures for awarding credit through Advanced Standing are as follows:

  1. The determination of such credit must be made by qualified faculty members at the institution or according to procedures and standards approved by qualified faculty ensuring that assessment procedures are appropriate for the credit awarded.
  2. If documentation and interviews are used in lieu of examinations, the institution must demonstrate that these methods provide assurances of academic comparability to credit earned by traditional means.
  3. At least 25 percent of the credit hours required for an undergraduate degree are earned through credit instruction offered by the institution awarding the degree.

Students having reason to believe that previous educational studies, training programs, or work experience may entitle them to an adjustment in the required courses in a particular curriculum, should contact their academic advisor or the appropriate faculty member to determine procedures before registering for classes and to complete the appropriate documentation. A student who is currently enrolled in a class and wishes to apply for advanced standing must complete the process and drop the class within the add/drop period.

General Examinations CLEP Score CR. Course Equivalent
Information Systems & Computer Applications 50 3 ITE 119  
Introductory Business Law 50 3 BUS 241  
Principles of Management 50 3 BUS 200  
Principles of Marketing 50 3 MKT 100  
Composition and Literature      
American Literature 50 3 ENG 241
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature 50 3 ENG 125
College Composition 50 6 ENG 111  & ENG 112  
English Literature 50 3 ENG 243
World Languages      
French Language (Level I) 50 6 FRE 101  & FRE 102  
French Language (Level 2) 59 9 FRE 101 , FRE 102  & 201
German Language (Level 1) 50 6 GER 101  & GER 102  
German Language (Level 2) 60 9 GER 101 , GER 102 , & 201
Spanish Language (Level 1) 50 6 SPA 101  & SPA 102  
Spanish Language (Level 2) 63 9 SPA 101 , SPA 102 , & SPA 201  
Level 1 - Equivalent to the first two semesters (or six semester hours) of college level foreign language coursework.
Level 2 - Equivalent to the first three semesters (or nine semester hours) of college level foreign language coursework.
History and Social Sciences      
American Government 50 3 PLS 135  
History of the United States I: Early Colonization to 1877 50 3 HIS 121  
History of the United States II: 1865 to Present 50 3 HIS 122  
Human Growth & Development 50 3 PSY 230  
Introductory Psychology 50 3 PSY 200  
Introductory Sociology 50 3 SOC 200  
Principles of Macroeconomics 50 3 ECO 201  
Principles of Microeconomics 50 3 ECO 202  
Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648 50 3 HIS 101  
Western Civilization II: 1648 to Present 50 3 HIS 102  
Science and Mathematics      
Biology 50 6 *BIO 101  & BIO 102  
Calculus 50 4 MTH 263  
Chemistry 50 6 *CHM 111  & CHM 112  
College Algebra 50 3 MTH 161  
College Mathematics 50 3 MTH 154  
Pre-Calculus 50 3 MTH 162  
The scores and credit hours that appear in this table are the credit-granting scores and semester hours recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE). The scores listed above are equivalent to the grade of a C in the corresponding course. Note: Students planning a transfer to another college or university are responsible for determining if that institution will accept CLEP credit.
*No credit is awarded for laboratory component.
Effective June, 2018

Changing Program of Study

Students considering a change in their program of study should schedule an appointment with their advisor. Students must complete an Information Change form and submit the form to the Office of Admissions.

Quarter to Semester Conversion

The following conversion guidelines will be applied when transferring courses completed under a quarter system to determine if students meet curricular requirements.

  • A single quarter course requirement is equivalent to a single semester requirement but receiving 2/3 as much credit. (For example, ECON 160 for 3 quarter credits is equivalent to ECO 120  for 2 semester credits.)
  • If only one course in a three-sequence quarter course has been taken, both semester courses must be taken.
  • If the first two courses in a three-sequence quarter course have been taken, the last half of the semester course sequence must be taken.
  • If the first and the third quarter courses have been taken in a three-sequence quarter course, the last half of the semester course sequence must be taken.
  • If the second and the third quarter courses have been taken in a three-sequence quarter course, the first half of the semester course sequence must be taken.

Grade Point Average

The grade point average (GPA) is determined by dividing the total number of grade points earned in courses by the total number of credits attempted.

Semester Grade Point Average

Semester GPA is determined by dividing the total number of grade points earned in courses attempted for the semester by the total number of credits attempted.

Cumulative Grade Point Average

Cumulative GPA, which includes all courses attempted, is computed each semester and is maintained on a continuing basis as a record of the student’s academic standing. When students repeat a course, only the highest grade earned is counted In the computation of the cumulative GPA and for satisfying curricular requirements unless the course Is designated repeatable for credit In the Master Course File or is a General Usage course. In instances of courses designated as repeatable for credit or General Usage courses, all grades/credits are counted In the computation of the cumulative grade point average. Gradse of “S”, “P”, “U”, “W”, “X”, and “I” shall not count as the first or subsequent attempts when calculating cumulative GPA. Courses that do not generate grade points are not included in credits attempted.

Curriculum Grade Point Average

A curriculum GPA, which includes only those courses applicable to the student’s curriculum, is computed in order to ensure that the student satisfies the graduation requirement for that curriculum. When students repeat a course, only the last grade earned is counted in the computation of the curriculum GPA. Both the initial attempt and the repeat must be completed at Mountain Empire Community College. General usage courses (in the 90, 95, 96, 97, 98, and 99 series such as 90, 190, 290, etc.) shall not be counted as repeated courses. The repeated courses must be identical in course department and numbers to the first attempt.

Academic Renewal Policy

Students who return to the College after a separation of five (5) years, or more, may petition for academic renewal. The request must be in writing and submitted to Enrollment Services/Admission.

If a student is determined to be eligible for academic renewal, D and F grades earned prior to re-enrollment will be deleted from the cumulative and curriculum grade point average (GPA), subject to the following conditions:

  • Prior to petitioning for academic renewal the student must demonstrate a renewed academic interest and effort by earning at least a 2.5 G.P.A. in the first twelve (12) semester hours completed after re-enrollment.
  • All grades received at the College will be a part of the student’s official transcript.
  • Students will receive degree credit only for courses in which grades of C or better were earned prior to academic renewal, providing that such courses meet current curriculum requirements.
  • Total hours for graduation will be based on all course work taken at the College after readmission, as well as former course work for which a grade of C or better was earned, and credits transferred from other colleges or universities.
  • The academic renewal policy may be used only once and cannot be revoked once approved.

Recruitment Policy

The purpose of this policy is to define prohibited student recruitment practices.

In accordance with 38 US Code 3696, Mountain Empire Community College does not provide commissions, bonuses or any other form of incentive payment based directly or indirectly on success in securing enrollments or financial aid (including tuition assistance funds) to any persons or entities engaged in student recruitment, admissions activities or making decisions regarding the award of student financial assistance. 

Mountain Empire Community College also refrains from high-pressure recruitment tactics, such as making multiple unsolicited contacts (3 or more), including contacts by phone, email, or in-person, during any 1-month period.  Contact from Mountain Empire Community College will be made in response to a student-initiated inquiry, application or other form of request.  Mountain Empire Community College also refrains from same-day recruitment and registration for the purpose of securing service member enrollments.  Mountain Empire Community College’s open-access mission may allow prospective applicants with a desire to do so to apply and register quickly when the applicant’s desired term is open for enrollment, but Mountain Empire Community College’s rolling admission puts the applicant in control of the timeframe in which they choose to register for courses.


The grades of “A, B, C, D, P and S” are passing grades. Grades of “F and U” are failing grades. “R and I” are interim grades. Grades of “W and X” are final grades carrying no credit.

The quality of performance in any academic course is reported by a letter grade, the assignment of which is the responsibility of the instructor. These grades denote the character of study and are assigned quality points as follows:

A - Excellent, 4 grade points per credit
B - Good, 3 grade points per credit
C - Average, 2 grade points per credit
D - Poor, 1 grade point per credit
F - Failure, 0 grade points per credit
I - Incomplete, No grade point credit

I - Incomplete, No Grade Point Credit

The “I” grade is to be used only for verifiable unavoidable reasons that a student is unable to complete a course within the normal course time. To be eligible to receive an “I” grade, the student must (1) have satisfactorily completed more than 60% of the course requirements and (2) must request that faculty member to assign the “I” grade and indicate why it is warranted. The faculty member has the discretion to decide whether the “I” grade will be awarded. Since the “incomplete” extends enrollment in the course, requirements for satisfac-tory completion shall be established through consultation between the faculty member and the student. In assigning the “I” grade, the faculty member must complete documentation that (1) states the reason for assigning the grade; (2) specifies the work to be completed and indicates its percentage in relation to the total work of the course; (3) specifies the date by which the work must be completed; and (4) identifies the default (B, C, D, F, P, R, or U) based upon course work already completed. Completion dates may not be set beyond the subsequent semester (to include summer term) without written approval of the chief academic officer of the campus. The student will be provided a copy of the documentation. The College will establish procedures to ensure that all “I” grades that have not been changed by the faculty member through the normal grade change processes are subsequently changed to the default grade assigned by the faculty member. An “I” grade will be changed to a “W” only under documented mitigating circumstances which must be approved by the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Workforce Solutions.

P - Pass, No grade point credit

The “P” grade applies only to non-developmental studies courses. Pass grades are not included within GPA calculations. Permission of the division dean is required for utilizing the Pass/ Fail option. A maximum of seven (7) semester credit hours from courses for which the “P” grade has been awarded may be applied toward completion of a degree, certificate, or diploma.

R-Re-enroll, No grade point credit

The “R” grade may be used as a grade option, in developmental and ESL courses only, to indicate satisfactory progress toward meeting course objectives. In order to complete course objectives, students receiving an “R” grade must re-enroll in the course and pay the specified tuition.

S-Satisfactory, No grade point credit

The grade of “S” is used only for satisfactory completion of a developmental studies course (numbered 01-99).

U-Unsatisfactory, No grade point credit

The grade of “U” applies only to developmental studies courses.

W-Withdrawal, No grade point credit.

A grade of “W” is awarded to students who withdraw or are withdrawn from a course after the add/drop period but prior to the completion of 60% of the session. After that time, the student shall receive a grade of “F” except under mitigating circumstances which must be documented by the student and approved by the Registrar; a copy of the documentation must be placed in the student’s academic file. Extenuating circumstance withdrawal requests must be received by the Registrar by the last class day for the course and prior to exams.


Students desiring to attend a course without taking the examination or receiving credit for the course may do so by registering to audit through the usual registration process and paying the normal tuition. Permission of the division dean or another appropriate academic administrator is required to audit a course. Audited courses carry no credit and do not count as a part of the student’s course load. Students desiring to change status in a course from audit to credit or from credit to audit must do so within the add/drop period for the course.

Students who desire to earn credit for a previously audited course must re-enroll in the course for credit and pay normal tuition to earn a grade other than “X.” Advanced standing credit should not be awarded for a previously audited course.

Developmental Studies

A grade of “S” (Satisfactory) may be assigned for satisfactory completion of a developmental studies course (courses numbered 1-9). “S” grades are not included in grade point average calculations. Students not making satisfactory progress in a developmental studies course shall be graded “U” (Unsatisfactory). The “I” and “W” grades may be utilized.

Grade Report

Final grades are posted to MyMECC at the end of exams each semester. Final grades become a part of the students’ academic record. A student may view grades for any term by logging in to MyMECC.


To request an official transcript of academic record a student should go to www.mecc.edu/request-a-transcipt/ and either create a new account or sign in through Parchment.com. All electronic delivery requests will have a $7.50 processing fee through Parchment.com. To send your transcript via USPS, an additional $2.50 fee will apply. Transcript mail requests can be expedited through FedEx for an additional fee, depending on mailing cost.

Official transcripts are generally processed within 3 business days of receipt. During peak times such as beginning and end of term, processing time will likely be extended. Students can track the status of a transcript request through their Parchment account. Transcript services are withheld for any student who owes Mountain Empire Community College money or property. Sufficient time must be allowed for the posting of grades and computing of averages at the end of each semester.

The College observes Public Law 93-380 (the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) in providing for the privacy of official student records and the rights of students to review these records. Students may review their official records by making a request to the Office of Enrollment Services. The College will not release any personally identifiable information other than directory information about any student without the student’s written permission, except to certain school and governmental officials as provided by the law. Requests by individuals and agencies for release of student information must be presented in writing. The student’s permission for the College to release any information must also be in writing. Students may grant permission by completing the Permission to Release Education Record Information form, located in the Office of Enrollment Services, Fox Central/Holton Hall.

Grade Changes

Occasionally an error in grade recording may occur. Students should review grades carefully and report any errors to Enrollment Services/Registrar immediately. Challenges to grade records must be made within one year of the alleged error.

Grade Appeals

A student having factual evidence that his/her grade, as reported, is in error and who wishes to appeal said grade, should refer to Grade Appeal Policy listed in the MECC Student Handbook.

Fees & Fines

Fees are assessed to provide services to students which are not provided with tuition revenues. These fees include a General Auxiliary Fee, a Technology Fee, a Student Activity Fee, and a Capital Fee for out-of-state and contract students.

Library Debts

Students and community patrons are encouraged to return their loaned library materials promptly. All coursebooks and manuals, and musical instruments, are expected to be returned by students on the last day of exams for the semester that they were checked out for. In the event that library materials are not returned by their due date, students and community residents will receive three overdue notices. The first two notices will be sent to students’ and community members’ email accounts. When the third and final notice is mailed, the non-returned library materials will be considered lost, and students will be blocked, which means they will not be able to receive a financial aid refund, obtain an official college transcript, or charge items in the bookstore, until the library materials have been returned, or their debt for non-returned/lost/damaged  materials is paid. A $5 processing fee will be added to the replacement cost of each individual item that the student or community patron has not returned to Wampler Library, or that they have damaged. Students and community residents who have unpaid library debts will not be allowed to check out additional items from the library until their account has been cleared of all charges - unless special permission has been granted by the staff for them to do so.

As required by the Commonwealth of Virginia, unpaid debts for non-returned/lost/damaged library materials will be submitted to the Virginia Department of Taxation under the Set- Off Debt Collection Program, with the debts deducted from the individual’s state income tax refund or lottery winnings. Also, the state requires that unpaid debts be referred to a private collection agency. The debt collection agency adds a collection fee equal to 33% to the debt. In addition, the debt collection agency reports collection activities to credit reporting agencies which will impact the debtor’s consumer credit report.

To avoid receiving overdue notices, and being charged for outstanding library materials, students and community patrons can renew their books or other materials by phone by calling 276.523.7468, or they may stop by Wampler Library anytime during their regular hours of operation.

Parking Fines

Parking in unauthorized spaces may result in the following:

  • $3.00 for each ticket received for the following violations:
    • Improperly parked
    • Parked in no-parking zone
    • No MECC parking permit
    • Parked in Faculty lot
    • Parked on road
    • Parked in Small Business Only
    • Parked in Employee of the Year space
    • Parked in State Vehicle Only space
    • $10.00 for each ticket received for parking in visitor’s space
    • $25.00 for each ticket received for parking in handicapped space

Vehicles parked in a fire zone will be towed away at owner’s expense.

Residence Requirements

The Virginia Community College System is guided by the Code of Virginia and the regulations of the State Council for Higher Education in determining domicile. For tuition assessment purposes, in-state rates will be charged to a student who has been domiciled in, and is and has been an actual bona fide legal resident of Virginia for a period of at least one year immediately prior to the commencement of the term of enrollment. Domicile decisions may not be changed after the term begins.

All applicants for in-state tuition rates will be required to submit a residence affidavit to determine state residency eligibility for tuition purposes. The burden of presenting adequate evidence of residency rests with the applicant. Residents of Tennessee that live within 30 miles of Mountain Empire Community College may be eligible for in-state contract tuition rates.

When enrollment must be limited for any program or course, first priority will be given to all qualified applicants who are domiciled residents of Lee, Wise, Scott, and Dickenson Counties and the City of Norton, and to Virginia domiciled residents not having access to a given program at their local community college, provided such students apply for admission to the program prior to registration or by a deadline established by the College. A domiciled resident is one who has been a permanent resident in the locality or state for the twelve months before the program application deadline. In addition, residents of localities with which the college has clinical-site affiliation may receive equal consideration for admission.

Mountain Empire Community College has established the following schedule for considering applications to limited enrollment programs: Before April 1, applications will be considered for only those domiciliary residents of the political subdivisions supporting the College; after April 1, all Virginia domiciliary residents will be considered for admission, and after May 1, out-of-state and international students will be considered for admission. Otherwise, applications are considered in the order in which they are received. Nursing/Re-spiratory Therapy/Practical Nursing applicants must be local domiciliary residents as of the program application deadline to receive priority consideration. Domiciliary residence normally requires continuous physical presence for a period of at least 12 months with intent to remain permanently.

Student Email, Canvas and Student Information System Access


To access your student email, Canvas, and the Student Information System, visit MyMECC. MyMECC is located at the top right corner of the MECC homepage at www.mecc.edu.

Student Email

To access your MECC Email, log in to MyMECC with your username and password, and select the “Gmail” link.


Canvas is a web based learning management system (LMS) designed to support online courses and provide a space to supplement a face-to-face course. Canvas provides many types of tools and features for enriching the learning experience.

SIS (Student Information System)

The Student Information System allows students to complete tasks such as registering for classes, paying tuition/fees, accessing personal information, viewing financial aid, viewing final grades, viewing/printing transcripts and more. To access SIS, students must login to MyMECC.

General Student Information

Student Photo ID

All MECC students must register for a student ID. You can obtain your student ID at the MECC Bookstore in Holton Hall.

Buying or Renting your Books

The MECC Bookstore is located on campus in Holton Hall. Hours and contact information are posted on the Bookstore’s Web site. To buy or rent books, visit the MECC Bookstore or the Bookstore’s website at http://bookstore.mecc.edu/home.aspx. Click the link for books, and then click the dropdown for textbooks and course materials. Enter the specific course information and find the link to the ISBN number for the text. You can use your financial aid funds to pay for textbooks and required supplies only during certain dates each semester.

Parking Decals

All MECC students must register for a parking permit. Register for your parking permit at the MECC Bookstore in Holton Hall.

New Student Seminar

All new students are required to attend the New Student Seminar, a comprehensive two-day SDV 100 course which is scheduled prior to the first day of class. Completion of the New Student Seminar provides an opportunity for new students to begin classes more prepared for their college experience and allows them the opportunity to make connections with their fellow students and college personnel. For more information, visit www.mecc.edu/newstudent.

Wampler Library

MECC’s Wampler Library is located on the second floor of Robb Hall. Visit the library to access the material and research you need for courses. Library resources are available online at www.mecc.edu/library.

Email/Text Alerts

For your safety and convenience, MECC strongly recommends students enroll in the College’s emergency alert system. The alert system will notify you quickly with an email and/or text about MECC closings due to inclement weather or about emergency situations. To register for text alerts, visit www.mecc.edu/textalerts.

Student Handbook

The MECC Student Handbook contains information about your, college operations and college policies. The Student Handbook contains additional information and MECC’s Code of Conduct. To access the MECC Student Handbook, visit www.mecc.edu/handbook.

Social Media

Important announcements regarding events, schedule changes, and activities are shared on MECC’s social media sites. Join us on Facebook at facebook.com/mountainempirecollege, on Twitter @MECCVa, and on Instagram @MECCedu.

Get Help When You Need It

Advising and Testing

The Office of Student Services provides advising and testing services. For more information on testing, visit www.mecc.edu/testing. The Office of Student Services is located in Holton Hall or call 276.523.7472.

Tutoring and Academic Assistance

MECC’s Learning Center provides academic support services to students who meet eligibility requirements. Services include: tutoring, mentoring, transfer assistance, career counseling, personal counseling, academic skills development (study skills, test-taking skills, etc.) and informative seminars. For more information, visit www.mecc.edu/tutoring.

Disability Services

MECC provides services to students with documented disabilities. For more information, visit the Office of Student Services in Holton Hall or call 276.523.9108 or www.mecc.edu/disabilityservices.

Veterans Assistance

MECC programs are approved for enrollment of qualified veterans, survivors, dependents and certain reservists. For more information on services available to veterans and their families, call 276.523.9028 or visit www.mecc.edu/veterans.

Transfer Assistance

MECC provides assistance to students planning to transfer to a four-year college. Visit the Office of Student Services in Holton Hall, call 276.523.9106, or visit www.mecc.edu/transfer

Transfer Virginia webpage.:  https://www.transfervirginia.org/resources?f[0]=field_cc_resource_type%3A36 to see agreements with other Virginia Colleges.

Career Assistance

MECC offers student career counseling to help students determine their career goals and/or college major. To schedule an appointment, visit Career Services located in the Office of Student Services in Holton Hall, call 276.523.7472, or visit www.mecc.edu/career-services.

Technology Assistance

Students who need assistance with Canvas may contact clee@mecc.edu or call 276.523.9070 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. Students who need Student Information System (SIS), Student Email, Log-in, Password or Username Assistance should contact the Technology Help Desk at helpdesk@mecc.edu.