Jan 12, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog and Handbook 
2024-2025 Catalog and Handbook

Step 4: Register for Classes

Students can register for classes online through MyMECC, located at www.mecc.edu. This system will ask you to enter your username and password which you received when you completed the online application to the College. Once you have logged in to MyMECC, follow the VCCS SIS: Student Information System/Student Center/Enroll link to register.

Normal Academic Load

The normal academic load for a student is 15-17 credits. The minimum full-time load is 12 credits, and the normal maximum full-time load is 18 credits excluding College Success Skills (SDV 101). Students who wish to carry an academic load of more than 18 credits must have a minimum G.P.A. of 3.0 and the approval of the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Workforce Solutions. Students will not be allowed to take more than 20 credits. Students placed on academic warning or academic probation may be required to take less than the normal course load.

Adding a Course

Normally, a student may not enter a new class after the first two weeks of classes in a standard session. Any request for registration in a new class after the published add period must be approved by Enrollment Services/Registrar. The add period for classes in non-standard sessions ends on that day which represents completion of fifteen percent of the class days.

Withdrawing from Class

To withdraw from a class, a student must complete a Class Schedule form, which can be obtained from Enrollment Services/ Registrar. If a student withdraws from a class before the last day to withdraw and receives a refund (this date is published in the Class Schedule), the student is removed from the class roll and no grade is awarded. After this date, but prior to the last day to withdraw without grade penalty (also published in the Class Schedule), a student who withdraws or is withdrawn from a course will be assigned a grade of “W.”

A student who withdraws after the official withdrawal date will receive a grade of “F” unless he/she withdraws with extenuating circumstances which prevented the student from completing the class and from withdrawing on or before the official withdrawal date. The Request for Withdrawal Due to Extenuating Circumstances form, available from Enrollment Services/Registrar, must be completed by the student or faculty member. The form must be submitted to Enrollment Services/ Registrar prior to the last class meeting for final consideration and approval. The student may appeal a denial within ten business days of notification by written appeal to the Student Affairs Committee.

The student who pre-registers in a class for which tuition is paid, but fails to attend the class, is responsible for completing the withdrawal process to prevent being assigned a grade of “F.”

The responsibility for providing documentation of mitigating circumstances rests with the student. Students who wish to withdraw from a class should initiate the withdrawal procedure with a counselor. A short interview may also be required. A student normally will not be allowed to withdraw from a class after the last official class meeting prior to exams. Such a withdrawal will be effective on the date the notice is received. No requests to withdraw from class will be accepted by telephone.

Administrative Withdrawal

Students may be withdrawn from classes by the instructor for failure to attend classes during the first 60% of the instructional period.

Repeating a Course

A student will normally be limited to two enrollments in a credit course that is not designated as repeatable for credit or is not a General Usage course. Should the student request to enroll in the same course beyond the second time, the need must be documented and approved by Enrollment Services/Registrar or the Division Dean. The Division Dean’s approval is required for enrollment beyond the third time. This limitation does not apply to courses designated as repeatable for credit or General Usage courses. (General Usage courses: 90-190-290; 93-193-293; 95-195-295; 96-196-296; 97-197-297; 98-198-298; 99-199-299.)

Auditing a Course

Students desiring to attend a course without taking the examination or receiving credit for the course may do so by registering to audit through the usual registration process and paying the regular tuition. Permission of Enrollment Services/Registrar is required to audit a course.

Audited courses carry no credit and do not count as part of the students’ course load. Students desiring to change status in a course from audit to credit or from credit to audit must do so within the add/drop period for the course.

Students who desire to earn credit for a previously audited course must re-enroll in the course for credit and pay normal tuition to earn a grade other than “X.” Advanced standing credit should not be awarded for a previously audited course.